TAKT PROJECT is pleased to announce the exhibition.
We are currently exhibiting our works in the exhibition "ORIGIN of SIMPLICITY - 20 Visions of Japanese Design" at ADI Design Museum in Milan, Italy. This exhibition focuses on the "SIMPLICITY" of Japanese design. TAKT PROJECT exhibit a total of 5 works, including Dye it Yourself and COMPOSITION, which are our early works, and programmed PAPER, which was presented at the Takeo Paper Show last year. This exhibition will also be open during Milan Design Week, so if you are planning to visit Milan Design Week, we hope you will drop by and take a look.
ORIGIN of SIMPLICITY - 20 Visions of Japanese Design
The exhibition entitled “ORIGIN of SIMPLICITY. 20 Visions of Japanese Design” is a transversal overview through design and craftsmanship in order to understand the origins of the very concept of simplicity.
The exhibition is a brand new piece of research conceived by curator Rossella Menegazzo, a researcher into the history of Japanese art and culture from the University of Milan, together with graphic and exhibition design by Japanese designer and curator Kenya Hara, who conceived the exhibition itinerary as a forest through which to walk. Each tree group gathers together objects with the same quality, original combinations of works by different designers and artisans, through which the theme of simplicity is expressed with key words aiming at reflecting the nature of the objects and leading the visitor through the exhibition experience.
[ Excerpt from the ADI Design Museum website ]
ADI Design Museum
The ADI Design Museum was created to showcase the entire repertoire of projects in the historical collection of the Compasso d’Oro award. Together with the Permanent Collection, the museum spaces will host temporary in-depth exhibitions, cross-cutting initiatives and meetings for the general public, with the aim of raising awareness and promoting design culture at both national and international levels.
< Exhibited work >

Dye It Yourself / Self-Driven Research Photo:Masayuki Hayashi

COMPOSITION / Self-Driven Research Photo:Masayuki Hayashi

Equilibrium Flower / for KANEMASA KNITTNG Co.,Ltd. Photo:Masayuki Hayashi

glow ⇄ grow : pottery / Self-Driven