The seventh issue of our series of articles in AXIS magazine is now on sale. The theme is "A stance that begins in beauty," and we traveled around Yamagata and Akita, which are known as deep-snow regions. We hope you will enjoy reading it.
Also introduced is the special exhibition "Visionaries: Making Another Perspective" at the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, in which TAKT PROJECT participated as an artist.
The feature article is titled "Ever expanding design exhibitions - How two design journalists captured the present." It features an interview between Ms. Noriko Kawakami, the planner and supervisor of this exhibition held in Kyoto from March to June, and Mr. Takahiro Tsuchida, the exhibition director of the 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT exhibition "The Original," which was also held from March to June. In the article, Ms. Kawakami introduces TAKT PROJECT's works and activities. We hope you will enjoy it.