The KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD is an international product design competition that’s all about bringing together proposals for projects the future needs and giving them form. Satoshi Yoshiizumi, President of TAKT PROJECT, will participate as one of the judges, as he did last year. This year's theme is "embrace". TAKT PROJECT was also in charge of art direction and design for this year's awards.
Through the process of thinking deeply about the tools people use in their everyday working, learning, and living scenes, the competition aims to give form to the possibilities of design and the power of products. Some of the 20 past entries that have been made into products include the Kadokeshi eraser, the Nameless Paints, and the True Measure ruler. The YOKOKU Award is a special award commemorating the 20th anniversary of the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD. It will be awarded to selected student entrants as a way to support their future work. This year's theme is "embrace". Be sure to submit your design for the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD 2023.
Diversity inspires harmony.
Opposites sustain balance.
Chaos nurtures beauty.
Contrast creates depth.
Distance drives expansion.
Conflict urges renewal.
How can we use design to embrace
different people, diverse lifestyles, uncertain times,
and the ever-changing environment of our planet?
Difference, change, uncertainty—
Can they be a beginning?
Can they make progress?
Can they be our future?

Message page from each judge :
Video of the award introduction :

TAKT PROJECT was in charge of the art direction and design for the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD 2023.
What kind of future awaits beyond "embrace"?
The theme of this year's KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD is to ask such questions. When we think about it, the "forest", where various animals and plants coexist in abundance, may be an existence that has continued to "embrace" each of them. And just like forests, there may always be a state of 'embrace' at the source of abundance. With this in mind, We created a dye solution from various plants in the forest and fixed it in the world of drawing paper without bleeding. Although the colors of each plant are mixed, they do not become one, and the visual that resonates with each other is fixed as it is. We hope this visual will give you a chance to think about "embrace".