  • DATA



    as it is. -equilibrium flower- / solo exhibition at Milan Design Week 2022


    Takumi Ota


    Shiomi Toru

Self-Driven Research

753478077 as it is.

This is a solo exhibition at Milan Design Week 2022, the annual design festival in Milan, Italy which is one of the largest in the world. In this exhibition, we exhibited our new installation titled "as it is. - equilibrium flower -" at the "Church of San Bernardino alle Monache", located in the 5VIE district.

as it is.
-equilibrium flower-

The world is where everything coexists. where everything can be as it is, or as it wants to be. No single power dominates others, no one is superior. Rather, things balance in a harmonic state of equilibrium.

If design is to be about creating something, through that something we also want to realize such harmony of equilibrium.

We fill the church with soft knit fabric objects standing on their own, just barely balanced. For the artwork, we use a self-developed knitted fabric that hardens when heated. By heating it partially, structural rigidity and the soft texture characteristic of textiles can coexist as they are. The balance between the cloth trying to outspread and the hardened supporting structure somehow evokes the vitality of a bud that is on the verge of flowering in the harmonic state of equilibrium with the outside world.

The installation is an attempt to spread countless manmade objects in the church, like a Japanese flower arrangement 'ikebana' that finds balance with the atmosphere and gives a harmonious feel to it.