

Being Unconventional.

Award certificate design for the Kuwasawa Award*. As a certificate presented to award winners in various fields of activity, we desired to use only words of praise for the award winner, instead of a design with fixed color and format. The outline of the words was extruded to form a 3D shape having the same proportions as a standard award certificate. In this way, the words of praise for each individual award winner turned into unique 3D stripes. The certificate was made specifically for the receiver, made of stripes that consist only of words of praise for her/him. Although it is shaped like a common certificate, it needs to be read from the side. The way it is read reminds us of a basic attitude of creation: viewing everyday life from a different perspective. This certificate designed an experience of reading it and the scene of reading.

* The Kuwasawa Award has been moving forward on a comprehensive stage of environment, culture, education, industry, and living within the broad framework of the design world. Chosen by a selection committee organized by experts from various fields, the Kuwasawa Award is given to those whose design activities are recognized as embodying the design philosophy of Yoko Kuwasawa in the present day.